Thursday, July 30, 2015

Lazy Summer Days

Things are summer lazy and slow around here, so I thought I would just post a few pics of the happenings over the last week.

First, a chick update! The Babies are growing like crazy! They are about 6 weeks old now and have graduated to sleeping with Georgia in the big coop. They sleep in a nest box...a "no-no", I know...but it is easier than dealing with caging the little family separately every night and they are safer. Which is a good thing, since we have smelled (and seen) a few skunks nosing around!

The chick on the left is Natasha. Darling Daughter wanted to call her Black Widow, because DD is obsessed with all things Avengers right now, but I talked her into something not so evil sounding. Front and center is little Captain. Still the most adventurous and wide ranging of all the chicks. Still can't quite tell if this one is a boy or a girl...

And then there is this little sweetie, Flossie, by name, who has gotten herself in some trouble that I don't know if she can survive. I went out one morning to discover that her bottom beak was twisted off to the side. She is still managing to eat and drink ok, but I am wondering how she will preen herself and free range with her beak in such bad shape. Right now, we are keeping an eye on her.  If you have any thoughts on how we might help her, please, do share!

And now, for breaking news...did you know that the Earth has a huge dent on one side?!?  At least it would appear so, based on the shadow on the moon in the image seen here. Who knew?

These two fellas are really growing up! It seems like just yesterday, they were getting up in the am to make a gun and tinkle (in that order) before breakfast! Now look at them! Guarding their gardens from pesky crows and tending their plants with great care. What fine young men they are becoming!

I am so very thankful, this week, for all of the herb training that I received at the Dawson/Forsyth chapter of LHG.  Last year we had an Apothecary Swap and I got a good start on my own apothecary. We put it all to good use this week, with three kids with summer colds. I have to say, I love me some Usnea tincture and Thieves salve! To find a chapter near you, check out the events tab at

Here's hoping your summer is winding down nicely! What are you doing to get ready for fall?

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